The Full Story
AstroSankofa Arts Initiatives builds on the groundbreaking vision of interstellar artivist Quentin VerCetty, who created Carnegie Hall's first-ever commissioned art piece in 2021. Our initiatives seek to create more opportunities for Black creatives and youth engaged in Black science and speculative fiction with a unique approach that encompasses the five dimensions of Afrofuturism: metaphysics, aesthetics, sciences, social science, and programmatic spaces.
AstroSankofa Arts Initiatives' mission is to connect and support Black Canadian creatives to more opportunities in public art and Web3 to change how they have been historically and systemically excluded. As a social incubator that creates more visibility and awareness of Black Canadian legacies, AstroSankofa encourages the normalization of the lens of Afrofuturism as it pertains to the continual existence of Black Canadian excellence, and contributions in all of our tomorrows in (what we currently call) Canada.
Our mandate is to improve the visibility of Black legacies and Black creative talent across Canada through Public Art, while honing the talent to do so.
We embrace Afrofuturism and value innovation and creativity, pushing artistic boundaries to create a future where Black narratives lead cultural evolution.